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The Derek Izzi Show

Enjoy this show about little known events and facts in US History that will surprise and enlighten you.  Subscribe on iTunes, write a review, email Derek, join in the show!

Dec 1, 2018

In this 2 topic episode, Derek gives you some information on some unlikely spies from WWI and WWII and then it's on to the little known creator of a widely known protection agency. Dec 1, 2018. Ep 60.


Nov 1, 2018

Long before the movie, "Castaway" there was a real castaway left stranded on an island partially by choice. Derek gives you the background and what happened to this real life castaway. Nov 1, 2018. Ep 59.



Oct 1, 2018

The horrid scene of a high rise building on fire. People leaping from the fire to their deaths below. This was not 911, but an actual fire in New York City from 1911. Derek takes you down this journey back in time to when labor conditions were difficult and tragedy struck. October 1, 2018. Ep 58.

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Sep 1, 2018

A prisoner wants to donate a kidney to save a man's life. That prisoner's story will shock you and remind you of the frailty of life. September 1, 2018. Ep 57.

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Aug 1, 2018

Everyone uses computers and computing devices. They've become a part of everyday life, but did you know that the computer has been around for almost 200 years? Derek explores the life of one of our greatest minds.

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